home > products > BioGrease - marine heads cleaner
BioHeads is a very specialised bacterial formula, which has been developed with the environment in mind. The product has a unique blend of microbes that work continuously to reduce the accumulation of solid waste and odours in marine and shipping toilets.
Whatever the size of the vessel you are sailing, keeping the Heads clean and fresh smelling has always been a difficult issue to resolve.
Urine spills and stains caused by a multitude of matter and seasickness can very quickly turn a small Heads into a no-go area. Unfortunately, most of the conventional problem solvers are based on abrasive or toxic chemicals, which can cause detrimental effects to the environment, as well your boat.
BioHeads is a very specialised bacterial formula, which has been developed with the environment in mind.
The product is a highly natural solution for portable waste and odour control. The product has a unique blend of microbes that work continuously to reduce the accumulation of solid waste and odours.
The good bacteria that is deployed is using good enzymes that essentially, out perform the bad bacteria for the food source, which are the things that cause the smells and stains, and we wish to remove.
Not only does BioHeads contain an extremely effective blend of good bacteria, which degrades all the body fats and liquids, but also, eliminates the malodours at source, and stops the build-up of uric scale.
Download the BioHeads Marine Heads Cleaner
Place 15ml concentrate of the product into the measure chamber of the 1 litre Bettix bottle and top up with warm water. Pour into the toilet, as this will keep the heads smelling fresh and the vacuum pipes clear of organic matter.
The BioHeads concentrate is irritating to eyes and therefore, contact with eyes should be avoided, as it may produce an allergic reaction. However, it should be noted that these statements do not apply to the ‘ready-to-use’ treatment, as the product contains naturally occurring non-pathogenic bacterial cultures and enzymes, and is biodegradable, non-toxic and totally safe, when used as directed. For best results store product in a cool, dry place.