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FAQs and Technical Terms Explained

Because the technology BioSmart uses is so new and exciting there can be some confusion about how it works and what some of the industry terms mean. The following pages should help explain, but if you have any questions please contact us.

The reasons for change - now!

What are the pressing reasons for using BioSmart products instead of continuing to use chemicals read more...

Bacteria and Enzymes

Which bacteria and enzymes do BioSmart use and how do they work? read more...


What do terms such as Microbe, COD and Amylase mean? read more...

Frequently Asked Questions - Grease Traps

If I treat a grease trap with BioSmart products what happens, what are the benefits and what do I need to check? read more...

Competitive Exclusion

BioSmart biological products work using a process called competitive exclusion. What is it?. read more...

Grease Degradation

Why does grease build up in drains and sewers and what can be done to prevent and remove it? read more...

Effluent Discharge Laws (UK)

Which laws and regulations govern drainage from a property/business and what are your responsibilites? read more...